Agilent E5063A 向量網路分析儀 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
(華甸科技二手儀器) Agilent E5063A VNA 向量網路分析儀
– 頻率範圍: 100 KHz~18 GHz (透過選配來選擇頻率)
– 通道數: 2 Port,50 Ω,S 參數測試儀,可量測各式各樣元件
– 選擇最符合您的測試和預算需求的頻率選項,並可隨時將選項升級
– 使用選配 010 增強時域分析功能,查看時域中的傳輸和反射響應。 調整濾波器、輸出測試夾具和纜線,並分析傳輸線路。
– 使用選配 011 專用圖形操作介面,簡化 PCB 設計和測試並執行TDR測試,進行高效率的阻抗和回返損耗量測
– 可搭配 N1500A材料量測套件,自動執行複介電常數和磁導率量測。
– 支援 6 種語言的顯示介面,提供英語/簡體中文的功能鍵和嵌入式輔助手冊,讓操作變得輕而易舉。
— 最高頻率:18 GHz
— 動態範圍:117 dB
— 輸出功率:0 dBm
— 軌跡雜訊:0.015 dBrms
— 內建埠數:2 埠
— 雜訊底線:-127 dBm
— 201點,單次掃描的最佳速度:9 ms
R&S ZVA24 向量網路分析儀 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
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(華甸科技二手儀器) R&S ZVA24 300 kHz to 24 GHz, 2 port
** 含選件 B4/B16/B21/B23/B31/B32/B34 K4/K2/K5/K9/K30
– 概要(Overview):
The R&S ZVA24 Network Analyzer is the high-end class of the Rohde & Schwarz network analyzer . It combines operating ease and high measurement speed uniformly implemented with exceptional RF characteristics, a wide scope of functions, and high flexibility.
The ZVA24 is ideal for filter measurements requiring maximum dynamic range to and non measurements on amplifiers, mixers, as well as receivers and transceivers.
— Linear and non amplifier and mixer measurements
— Noise figure measurements
— Pulse profile measurements with 12.5 ns resolution
— True differential measurements for reliable characterization of active devices with balanced ports
— High output power typ. > 15 dBm
— Wide dynamic range typ. > 140 dB
— High measurement speed < 3.5 µs per test point
— Wide IF bandwidth: 1/5/30 MHz
— Versatile calibration techniques: TOSM, TRL/LRL, TOM, TRM, TNA, UOSM
— Automatic calibration units available
— Phase and group delay measurements on mixers with and without LO access
— Frequency range: 300 kHz to 24 GHz
R&S ZNB20 向量網路分析儀 (USED)
▶ 直接購買:
▶ ZNB 系列特點:
– 1. High temperature stability for long calibration intervals
– 2. Fast synthesizers for high measurement speed
– 3. Convenient characterization of active and passive RF components
– 4. Mixed-mode S-parameters for balanced DUT characterization
– 5. Redefined S-parameters for flexible test setup configuration
– 6. Extensive analysis functions for effi cient trace analysis
-7. Time domain analysis for distance-to-fault (DTF) measurements and filter adjustment
-8. Frequency-converting measurements on mixers and amplifiers fast and simple with two independent internal generators
▶ ZNB20 特色:
– 頻率: 20GHz
▶ 產地:
網路分析儀Agilent E5071C 485(Opt. 1E5/TDR)(USED)
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▶ 概要(Overview):
Keysight E5071C ENA網路分析儀可提供同級產品中最高的 RF 效能及最快的速度,並搭配廣大頻率範圍和多用途的功能。Keysight E5071C 對於製造及研發工程師在評估 RF 元件以及 9 kHz 至 20 GHz 的電路時,是相當理想的解決方案。
▶ 特色(Features):
1) 9 kHz 至 4.5/6.5/8.5/14/20 GHz* 2 或 4 埠,50 Ω,S 參數測試儀
2) 具有 130 dB 寬動態範圍、8 ms 快速量測速度和 0.005 dB/℃ 的出色溫度穩定度,可改善量測準確度、提高產品良率並增進設計邊限
3) 增強時域分析選項可對高速串列互連進行全面特性分析,可提供您的設計自信度
4) 所有選項均可升級,充分保障您的投資
▶ 測試參數(Test Parameters):
– 動態範圍 123 dB
– 輸出功率 10 dBm
– 軌跡雜訊 0.003 dBrms
– 內建埠數 2 或 4埠
– 諧波 -25 dBc
– 雜訊底線 -131 dBm
– 201點,單次掃描的最佳速度 5 ms
– 應用 S 參數 / 多埠 / 平衡量測
– 元件 纜線 / 混頻器/轉頻器 / 放大器 / 諧振器
– 桌上型: 是
▶ 產地(Manufacturer):
R&S ZVL6 網路分析儀 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
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▶ 規格(Specification):
— 頻率範圍: 9 kHz to 6 GHz
— 配置:B10—GPIB interface
B22—RF preamplifier
▶ 產地(Manufacutrer):
R&S ZNC3 3GHz網路分析儀 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
☞ 購買請至:
▶ 特點及規格(Features and Specification):
- Frequency range from 9 kHz to 3 GHz
- Dynamic range of up to 130 dB
- Short sweep times of 11 ms for 401 points
- High temperature stability of typ. 0.01 dB/°C
- Wide power sweep range from –50 dBm to +13 dBm
- IF bandwidths from 1 Hz to 300 kHz
- Manual and automatic calibration
- Low trace noise of 0.004 dB RMS at 10 kHz IF bandwidth
- Large, high-resolution 12.1″ screen
- Touchscreen user interface
▶ 產地(Manufacturer):
SIGLENT SVA1000X Series Spectrum & Vector Network Analyzers 頻譜與向量網路分析儀
Product Overview
The SIGLENT SVA1000X series spectrum & vector network analyzers are powerful and flexible tools for broadcast and RF device testing. With a wide frequency range from 9 kHz to 1.5 GHz, the analyzer delivers reliable automatic measurements and plenty of features including a tracking generator and multiple modes of operation: the base model is a swept super-heterodyne spectrum analyzer and optional functions include a vector network analyzer, a Frequency Domain Reflectometer based distance-to-fault locator, and a modulation analyzer. Applications include broadcast monitoring/evaluation, site surveying, EMI pre-compliance, research and development, education, production and maintenance.
Key Features
◆ All-Digital IF TechnologyAll-Digital IF Technology
◆ Frequency Range from 9 kHz to 1.5 GHz
◆ -156 dBm/Hz Displayed Average Noise Level (Typ.)
◆ -99 dBc/Hz @10 kHz Offset Phase Noise (1 GHz, Typ.)
◆ Level Measurement Uncertainty < 1.2 dB (Typ.)
◆ 1 Hz Minimum Resolution Bandwidth (RBW)
◆ Preamplifer Standard
◆ Tracking Generator Standard
◆ Vector Network Analysis (Opt.)
◆ Distance To Fault (Opt.)
◆ Modulation Analysis (Opt.)
◆ EMI Pre-compliance Test Kit (Opt.)
◆ Advanced Measurement Kit (Opt.)
◆ 10.1 lnch (1024×600) Multi-Touch Screen, Mouse and Keyboard supported
◆ Web Browser Remote Control on PC and Mobile Terminals
Agilent 8753ES 參數向量網路分析儀 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
▶ 特點(Features):
提供了完整的RF元件特性分析功能: 8753ES包含一個整合的合成信號源、測試組件與調諧接收器。內建的S參數測試組件提供了完整的大小與相位量測,包括前向與反向。內建的向量準確度增強技術,包括完整的雙埠校驗、轉接器移除、及TRL*/LRM*校驗。
- 30 kHz到3或6 GHz
- 動態範圍最高可到110 dB
- 絕佳的量測準確度
- 兩個量測頻道
- 四個顯示頻道
- 頻率與功率掃描
- 快速的掃描與資料傳輸速度
- 通過/失敗測試,強大的游標功能
- 電子校驗(ECal)
- 內部自動化與測試排序
- 時域、諧波量測、可配置的測試組件、及刪除測試組件等選項
- 計有50歐姆和75歐姆兩種版本
▶ 產地(Manufacturer):