Audio Precision APx-525 B Series 音頻分析儀 (USED)

另售有 Audio Precision APx 525 B Series dio、Audio Precision APx 525 B Series duo BT 及APx 526 B Series,歡迎選購。

The APx52x B Series of audio analyzers combines our award-winning user interface and legendary performance with a comprehensive range of modular I/O options. The APx52x B Series brings AP innovations such as one-click measurements, code-free automation and sophisticated reporting to every interface in every combination.
The B Series APx525 ships with two channels of analog I/O and our Digital Interface Option (DIO) with AES/SPDIF digital inputs and outputs, and includes ASIO capability.
If you need more than that, APx526 is ready with a full range of choices, from additional channels of analog to a chip-level digital serial interface (DSIO), HDMI+ARC, PDM (Pulse Density Modulation) or Bluetooth® wireless technology with built-in radio.
Need higher analog performance? With the BW52 enhanced analog bandwidth option installed, you can make a million-point FFT spectrum acquisition at 24 bits, across a bandwidth of DC to over 1 MHz on two channels. And with the AG52 enhanced analog generator option, typical system THD+N is as low as –110 dB.
Key Features and Functions
System Performance
● Residual THD+N (20 kHz BW)
–105 dB + 1.3 µV
Typical <–108 dB (1 kHz, 2.5 V)
Typical <–110 dB (1 kHz, 2.5 V) [with AG52]
Generator Performance
● Sine Frequency Range
0.1Hz to 80.1 kHz
● Square Frequency Range [requires AG52]
10.0 Hz to 30.0 kHz
● Frequency Accuracy
3 ppm