Audio Precision APX 585B 音頻分析儀 含2021/12/5最新校正 (USED)

☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
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Audio Precision APX 585B 音頻分析儀
Generator Performance
Sine Frequency Range
— 5 Hz to 80.1 kHz
Frequency Accuracy
— 3 ppm
IMD Test Signals
Maximum Amplitude (balanced)
— 14.4 Vrms
Amplitude Accuracy
— ±0.05 dB
Flatness (20 Hz–20 kHz)
— ±0.008 dB
Residual THD+N (20 kHz BW)
— –103 dB + 1.4 µV
Analog Output Configurations
— Unbalanced & balanced
Digital Output Sampling Rate
— 27 kS/s to 200 kS/s
— 27 kS/s to 108 kS/s Optical
Dolby / dts Generator
— Yes (encoded file)
Analyzer Performance
Maximum Rated Input Voltage
— 160 Vpk
Maximum Bandwidth
— 1 to 16 channels of analog input 90 kHz
IMD Measurement Capability
Amplitude Accuracy (1 kHz)
— ±0.05 dB
Amplitude Flatness (20 Hz–20 kHz)
— ±0.008 dB
Residual Input Noise (20 kHz BW)
— 1.3 µV
Residual THD+N (20 kHz BW)
— –103 dB + 1.4 µV
Individual Harmonic Analyzer
— d2–d10
Max FFT Length
— 1248K points
DC Voltage Measurement
— Yes
Audio Precision APX585 B Series 音頻分析儀 (NEW)

The B Series APx585 is a true multichannel audio analyzer, with 8 simultaneous analog outputs and inputs. It is ideal for designing and testing consumer devices such as home theatre receivers or pro devices such as mixing consoles.
Key Specifications
System Performance
Resdual THD+N (20kHz BW): -103dB + 1.4μV , Typical <-108dB
Generator Performance
Sine Frequency Range: 5Hz to 80.1 kHz
Frequency Accuracy: 3ppm
IMD Test Signals: SMPTE, MOD, DFD
Maximum Amplitude (balanced): 14.4 Vrms
Amplitude Accuracy: ±0.05 dB
Flatness (20 Hz – 20 kHz):±0.008 dB
Analog Output Configurations: Unbalanced and balanced
Digital Output Sampling Rate: 27 kS/s to 200 kS/s*
Dolby / DTS Generator: Yes (encoded file)
Analyzer Performance
Maximum Rated Input Voltage: 160 Vpk
Maximum Bandwidth: 1 to 16 channels of analog input 90 kHz
IMD Measurement Capability: SMPTE, MOD, DFD
Amplitude Accuracy (1 kHz): ±0.05 dB
Amplitude Flatness (20 Hz – 20 kHz): ±0.008 dB
Residual Input Noise (20 kHz BW): 1.3 µV
Individual Harmonic Analyzer: d2–d10
Maximum FFT Length: 1248K points
DC Voltage Measurement: Yes
Audio Precision APx 555 B Series 2 Channels 音頻分析儀 (NEW or USED)

A culmination of 30 years’ experience making test equipment recognized as the standard of the audio industry, the B Series APx555 is an analyzer without compromise. It combines the best analog performance we have ever delivered with complete support for all APx digital I/O options and fast, intuitive measurement software. With the introduction of the B Series, the APx555 further lowers analog system residual distortion at sinewave frequencies above 50 kHz over the full 1 MHz bandwidth.
Key Specifications
System Performance
Generator Performance
Sine Frequency Range: 0.001 Hz – 80 kHz, DAC, 5 Hz – 204 kHz, Analog
Frequency Accuracy: 3 ppm, DAC, 30 ppm, Analog (Precision Tune)
IMD Test Signals: SMPTE & MOD, DFD, DIM
Maximum Amplitude: 26.66 Vrms bal, 13.33 Vrms unbal (10 Hz to 100 kHz)
Amplitude Accuracy (1 kHz): ±0.03 dB (+15° C to +30° C)
Flatness (5 Hz – 20 kHz): ±0.008 dB
Analog Output Configurations: Unbalanced, balanced (differential or single-ended) or CMTST
Digital Output Sampling Rate: 27 kS/s to 200 kS/s*
ADC Test VBias Range: –0.4 to +4.2 VDC
Analyzer Performance
Maximum Rated Input Voltage: 300 Vrms (bal) / 160 Vrms (unbal)
Maximum Bandwidth: > 1 MHz
IMD Measurement Capability: SMPTE & MOD, DFD, DIM
Amplitude Accuracy (1 kHz): ±0.03 dB (+15° C to +30° C)
Amplitude Flatness (10 Hz – 20 kHz): ±0.008 dB
Residual Input Noise (22 kHz BW): ≤ 1.0 μVrms
Individual Harmonic Analyzer: H2-H10
Maximum FFT Length: 1248K points
DC Voltage Measurement: Yes
Audio Precision APx-525 B Series 音頻分析儀 (USED)

另售有 Audio Precision APx 525 B Series dio、Audio Precision APx 525 B Series duo BT 及APx 526 B Series,歡迎選購。

The APx52x B Series of audio analyzers combines our award-winning user interface and legendary performance with a comprehensive range of modular I/O options. The APx52x B Series brings AP innovations such as one-click measurements, code-free automation and sophisticated reporting to every interface in every combination.
The B Series APx525 ships with two channels of analog I/O and our Digital Interface Option (DIO) with AES/SPDIF digital inputs and outputs, and includes ASIO capability.
If you need more than that, APx526 is ready with a full range of choices, from additional channels of analog to a chip-level digital serial interface (DSIO), HDMI+ARC, PDM (Pulse Density Modulation) or Bluetooth® wireless technology with built-in radio.
Need higher analog performance? With the BW52 enhanced analog bandwidth option installed, you can make a million-point FFT spectrum acquisition at 24 bits, across a bandwidth of DC to over 1 MHz on two channels. And with the AG52 enhanced analog generator option, typical system THD+N is as low as –110 dB.
Key Features and Functions
System Performance
● Residual THD+N (20 kHz BW)
–105 dB + 1.3 µV
Typical <–108 dB (1 kHz, 2.5 V)
Typical <–110 dB (1 kHz, 2.5 V) [with AG52]
Generator Performance
● Sine Frequency Range
0.1Hz to 80.1 kHz
● Square Frequency Range [requires AG52]
10.0 Hz to 30.0 kHz
● Frequency Accuracy
3 ppm
Audio Precision SYS-2722 音頻分析儀 (USED)

☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
▶ 概要(Overview):
The Audio Precision 2722 Audio Analyzer is the flagship model of Audio Precision’s award-winning PC-controlled audio analyzers, long the recognized worldwide standard for the design and test of audio equipment. The fullfeatured SYS-2722 provides the unmatched distortion and noise performance required to test the latest advances in converter technology, combined with 192k digital input and output capabilities.
The AP SYS-2722 features true dual domain architecture which enables uncompromised measurement of both analog and digital signals: the hardware generator and analyzer specifications surpass those of any digital configuration, while digital analysis techniques offer a wide array of precise, high-speed measurement techniques for either domain. Cross-domain work can be accomplished using the best of both worlds.
▶ 特色/規格 Features and Specification:
Features of the Audio Precision SYS-2722 Audio Analyzer include:
- The unparalleled precision of a dedicated hardware instrument.
- Fast instrument operation and powerful analysis under sophisticated control software.
- Programmatic control for high-speed automation.
- Serial digital interface testing.
- Flexible configuration options.
- A family of auxiliary instruments for specialized testing.
- AES3, IEC60958 (SPDIF) and PSIA input and output sample rates at 192 kHz.
Specifications of the System 2 SYS-2722 Cascade include:
- Low Distortion
- Analog system 1 kHz THD+N, 20 kHz BW = –112 dB (Typical worst case harmonic < –130 dB)
- Digital generator distortion/spurious products =– 160 dB
- High Bandwidth
- Analog signal generation to 204 kHz
- Analog measurements to 500 kHz
- Analysis by FFTs and Multitone to 120 kHz
- Low Noise
- Analog analyzer 22 Hz–22 kHz BW = –118 dBu
- Analog analyzer A-weighted = –124 dBu
- Flat Response
- Analog system 20 Hz–20 kHz Typically ± 0.003 dB
- Low Crosstalk
- Analog inputs 20 Hz–20 kHz = –140 dB
- Analog output 20 Hz–20 kHz = –120 dB
- Low Jitter
- 700 Hz–100 kHz BW = 600 ps
- 50 Hz–100 kHz BW = 1.0 ns
- FFT Acquisitions
- Up to 4 M Samples (87 s @ 48 kHz Fs)
Audio Precision AUX-0025/0040/0100 濾波器 (USED)

☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
直接購買: 點撃直接進行購買~
The Audio Precision AUX-0025 / 0040 / 0100 switching amplifier measurement filters are designed to be inserted between the device under test and an analyzer input, to reduce out-of-band switching signal components before measurement. The filters use a passive design for optimal performance, with custom inductors designed for high power handling and minimal low-frequency distortion.
AUX0025 |
AUX0100 |
AUX0040 |
通道數 |
2 |
4 |
2 |
頻率響應 |
±0.05 dB, 10 Hz 到 20 kHz |
±0.08 dB, 20 Hz to 40 kHz |
插入損耗 |
典型值 0.054 dB |
高頻衰減 |
典型值 >50 dB, 250 kHz 到 20 MHz |
典型值 > 52 dB, 400 kHz to 20 MHz |
最大輸入 |
±200 Vpeak [140 Vrms], dc to 7.5 kHz, 從20 kHz 到 2 MHz下降到75 Vpk [53 Vrms] |
±200 Vpk [140 Vrms], dc to 15 kHz, 從40 kHz 到 2 MHz下降到75 Vpk [53 Vrms] |
串音 |
90 dB at 20 kHz |
82 dB at 20 kHz |
90 dB at 20 kHz |
失真 |
< -110 dB諧波失真 (measured at 70 Vpp, 1 kHz) |
Audio Precision APX525 音頻分析儀 (USED)

☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
APx525 has two balanced and two unbalanced analog inputs and outputs plus 216k digital inputs and outputs via AES/EBU, TOSLINK and SPDIF. APx526 is the four-channel version of the APx525, developed for the four channel head units typical of the automotive audio industry.
Additionally, I/O may be expanded with optional Digital Serial (APx525 and APx526), HDMI + ARC (APx525), PDM (APx525 and APx526) and Bluetooth (APx525 and APx526) modules. Additionally, the optional Advanced Master Clock (AMC) module handles input and output clock signals to synchronize the APx52x Series with external equipment (or vice versa), and the AMC also enables jitter generation and analysis (in conjunction with Advanced Digital, Digital Serial or PDM modules).
Audio Precision APx515 音頻分析儀 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
APx515 可以在 3 秒時間內完成所有關鍵的音頻參數的測量。儘管它的成本低廉,但同樣具有傑出的性能表現,與所有APx 系列的音頻分析儀一樣,典型的-106dB THD+N, 24 位、1M FFT 能力(選件),支持192k 採樣率的數字接口、一鍵自動測量以及便易使用等特性。 APx515 通過 ISO :17025 Accredited Calibration 檢驗,並帶全面的售後服務和保 固期,所以它的測量結果無論在哪里都是值得信賴的。
• 典型的 THD+N -106 dB 以及 24 位、1M 的 FFT (選件)
• 不需要任何編程,在 3秒內進行全面測試
• 直觀的用戶接口,一鍵 點擊測量
• 支持 VB.NET,C#.NET,全面地 LabVIEW 驅動
• 用腳踏開關或條碼掃描 器控制 APx
• 在任何一台 APx 儀器上 分享工程文件以及採集 的.wav 文件
• 用 MS word 或 APx 的 用戶接口創建自定義的 測試報告
• 高 級 的 測 量 庫 包 括 IMD, MOL, 動態範圍, FFT 或更多 (選件)
單獨使用模式下,可以通過從通用音頻測量菜單里選擇相應的項目 來創建完善的測量序列 – 不需要編程。如果有必要,可以增加 Pass/Fail 的限制、高級配置以及用戶提示等;然後選擇測試報告的格式 – 用 Microsoft Word 打印出豐富的圖形曲線或導出數據到 CSV。用在生產線 測試,測試工程文件可以鎖定,防止測試設置被意外改變。
自動測試線上, .NET 或 LabVIEW 應用程序可以通過 API 或 LabVIEW 驅動程序直接控制 APx515。進行單獨的測量時,或通過由主 程序召回測試序列,可用 APx UI 創建。
APx515 標準測試項目
• 電平和增益
• 頻率響應
• THD + N
• 信噪比
• 噪聲
• 串擾
• 通道間相位
• 直流電平
• 頻率測量
• 測量記錄器
• 梯級掃描
• 步進掃頻
• 比較編碼的比特流
• 共模抑制比 (CMRR)
• 信號噪聲和失真比 (SINAD)
• 合格/不合格
• 波形監視
• DC電平掃描
• Q-峰值噪聲
• 電平比
• 輸入採樣率